How Long Does CPR Certification Last? The Essential Guide (2024)


When it comes to emergencies, every second counts. That's especially true for cardiac events, where the time between someone's heart stopping and the moment CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) is started can be the deciding factor between life and death. As a result, learning CPR is not just a skill – it's a vital contribution to society that can empower you to save lives.

But why should you get certified instead of just learning the techniques? CPR certification ensures you have been properly trained in the latest life-saving methods and understand the protocols set by health organizations. Moreover, CPR guidelines can change. Researchers are constantly studying ways to improve survival rates, and as we learn better techniques, certification bodies update their training programs. Having an up-to-date certification means that you are equipped with the most current knowledge and skills.

The importance of the validity of CPR certification cannot be understated. Current certification gives confidence to employers, especially in jobs where such skills are crucial, like healthcare and education. It also serves as a reminder to keep your skills sharp. Remember, in emergency situations, hesitation or incorrect actions can have grave consequences. A valid CPR certification is your assurance that you won’t be second-guessing yourself when it's time to act.

Indeed, obtaining a CPR certification is an admirable endeavor, and keeping it current is equally important. As we explore this topic, we'll dive into the nitty-gritty of CPR certification and discuss just why that little card needs to be kept up to date.

How long does a CPR Certification Last

Most certifications last two years.

What is CPR Certification?

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, is a life-saving technique employed when someone's breathing or heartbeat has stopped. This can occur after an electrical shock, a heart attack, or drowning. CPR certification is an official documentation that proves an individual has received training from a recognized organization and has demonstrated the ability to perform CPR effectively. But why exactly is this certification essential, and who should consider acquiring it? Let's explore its significance.

Understanding the Basics of CPR

CPR combines rescue breathing and chest compressions to provide oxygen and resume blood flow to a person's brain and other organs until medical help can arrive. This immediate assistance can be critical; it often means the difference between life and death. The technique is unsurprisingly a staple in first aid and emergency response training.

The Significance of Having a CPR Certification

A Marker of Trusted Skills

Having a CPR certification is more than just a piece of paper to add to your credentials. It stands as a validation of your capability to act in emergencies with competence and confidence. It tells people around you that you have been trained and tested on accurate life-saving procedures.

Increasing Survival Rates in Emergencies

The timeliness of CPR can drastically improve a victim's chance of survival. Brain death starts to occur four to six minutes after the heart stops beating. By being CPR certified, you are equipped to provide immediate care that could keep blood and oxygen circulating, doing a vital service until paramedics arrive.

Encouraging a Culture of Safety

When more people hold a CPR certification, it fosters a general environment of safety. In workplaces, schools, and communities, a greater number of first responders means a higher likelihood of quick and effective intervention in the event of an emergency. This doesn't only apply to health care providers; everyday people with CPR certification strengthen the overall safety net of society.

Who Should Get CPR Certified?

Medical Professionals

For individuals in the healthcare field, CPR certification is often mandatory. This not only includes doctors and nurses but also extends to dental professionals, physical therapists, and other practitioners who may need to respond to emergencies.

Educators and Childcare Providers

Teachers, childcare providers, and school administrators are entrusted with the care of children every day. By being CPR certified, they become equipped to respond to possible choking hazards, accidents, or other health emergencies.

Safety-Conscious Individuals

Essentially, anyone who wants to be prepared to save a life should consider CPR certification. This includes parents, coaches, elder caregivers, security personnel, and just about anyone engaged in activities that involve overseeing the safety of others.

Corporate and Business Professionals

Many organizations are now recognizing the importance of having staff trained in life-saving procedures like CPR. Hence, certification can also be beneficial for corporate workers, especially those in higher stress environments or positions of responsibility.

How to Obtain CPR Certification

CPR certification typically involves completing a course that includes both theoretical knowledge and practical, hands-on training. The course material usually covers emergency scenarios, rescue breathing and techniques, and how to handle choking in adults, children, and infants.

Choosing a Program

Select an accredited training program. Well-known bodies include the American Red Cross, the American Heart Association, and various local health organizations. Online courses are also available, but ensure they offer or require a hands-on component.

Completing the Course

Commit to the training, which can take several hours to a full day, depending on the level of certification. Pay careful attention to both the knowledge components and the practice sessions.

Certification and Recertification

Once you successfully complete the course, you'll receive your CPR certification, which is typically valid for two years. Because protocols may change and skills can weaken, it's important to renew your certification regularly.


CPR certification is an empowering tool. It transforms ordinary citizens into potential heroes capable of stepping in to save lives. Regardless of your profession or lifestyle, learning CPR is an invaluable skill that benefits you and your community. Consider getting certified – it's a decision that could one day mean the difference between a life saved or a life lost.

Importance of CPR Certification

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is more than a critical skill set reserved for healthcare professionals—it's a life-saving technique that anyone could need at a moment's notice. The certification process in CPR prepares individuals for emergencies involving cardiac arrest, providing them with the confidence and knowledge to react appropriately. Let's delve into the reasons why getting CPR certified is not just beneficial but potentially life-saving.

Empowering You to Save Lives

The value of being equipped with such expertise cannot be overstressed. By learning CPR, you literally hold the power to bring someone back from the brink. Cardiac arrests can happen anywhere, at any time, and your prompt action could be the difference between life and death. When a person's heart stops, the clock starts ticking, and with each minute that passes without intervention, their chances of survival diminish significantly. CPR provides critical blood flow to the heart and brain, extending that narrow window of opportunity for survival until professional medical help can arrive.

Improving Outcomes with Quick Response

Imagine witnessing a loved one or a stranger collapse unexpectedly. With CPR certification, you won't be frozen by panic; you'll spring into action. Studies have shown that immediate CPR can double, or even triple, a victim's chance of survival. By mishandling such situations, precious seconds are lost. Certified individuals are trained to react swiftly and effectively, helping to improve the outcome of what could have been an irreparable tragedy.

Boosting Community Health and Safety

CPR certification does not just benefit the individual—it uplifts entire communities. When a critical mass of the population is trained in CPR, the overall community health dramatically improves. This widespread knowledge creates a safety net, ensuring that at public gatherings, workplaces, or in homes, someone knows what to do in a crisis. It's like having an invisible safety net of vigilance spread across the community.

Gaining Confidence in Life-Threatening Situations

Beyond the mechanical aspects of performing CPR, certification courses prepare individuals mentally and emotionally for the stress and severity of life-threatening situations. Certified individuals are more likely to remain calm under pressure, providing clear-headed responses that could steer a high-pressure situation towards a successful outcome.

Having Legal Protection

Most countries have Good Samaritan laws that offer legal protection to people who provide reasonable assistance to those who are, or whom they believe to be, injured or in peril. By being CPR certified, you demonstrate that you have been trained to provide appropriate emergency care. This often affords legal protection when rendering aid, providing peace of mind for those willing to step up when faced with a crisis.

Enhancing Professional Opportunities

Outside of the apparent health benefits to society, being CPR certified also enhances your resume. Many employers, especially those in education, sports, and of course, healthcare, place a high value on this certification. It signals that you're a responsible and proactive individual, characteristics that are attractive in any role or industry.

Enriching Personal Development

Pursuing CPR certification is also an investment in your personal growth. It teaches valuable lessons in leadership, responsibility, and altruism. Embracing the opportunity to acquire such skills can be immensely rewarding, instilling a sense of preparedness that extends beyond the boundaries of emergency situations, and into day-to-day life challenges.

Protecting Loved Ones

Most cardiac arrests occur at home. Therefore, the life you most likely may save with CPR is that of a family member or friend. It's comforting to know that if an emergency unfolds in the privacy of your own home, you're not helpless. Having the skills to protect and give your loved ones the best chance at survival until help arrives is priceless.

CPR certification is far more than just a line on a CV or a weekend course. It's an empowering journey that equips individuals with the vital skills needed to make a profound difference in moments of dire need. It fosters a preparedness mindset that's valuable not just to the individual, but to the community, and those they care about. Whether it’s boosting your career potential, or learning to stay collected in the face of emergencies—CPR certification is a life skill that reverberates through many aspects of life, offering a profound sense of purpose and preparation in a world of uncertainties.

Validity Period of CPR Certification

CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) is a life-saving technique used in emergencies when someone's breathing or heartbeat has stopped. Learning and mastering CPR is an invaluable skill. However, once certified, it's not a lifetime pass. To ensure that individuals retain the necessary skills and are up to date with the latest guidelines, CPR certifications have an expiration date.

Let's delve into what this validity period means, why it exists, and how you can renew your certification to continue being a potential lifesaver.

Why CPR Certifications Have an Expiry Date

Knowledge and Skills Fade Over Time

Like any learned skill, the details and processes of CPR can fade from memory over time. This is especially true since, thankfully, most people certified in CPR don't use the technique regularly. Consequently, the retention of critical steps and sequences may diminish. It’s pretty much a “use it or lose it” scenario.

Updates to Protocols and Guidelines

Medical research and technology are continuously advancing. As a result, CPR techniques and best practices evolve too. What was the recommended procedure a few years ago might now be outdated. The governing bodies of CPR certification, such as the American Heart Association (AHA) or the Red Cross, revise their training materials and guidelines accordingly. A certification expiry date ensures that people must retrain and learn the most current life-saving techniques.

Standard Validity Period of Certification

General Time Frame

Typically, a CPR certification is valid for two years from the date of completion. This duration is a standard set by most certifying organizations including the AHA and the Red Cross. It is critical to keep track of your certification's expiry date to remain compliant, especially for professionals for whom CPR certification is a job requirement.

Keeping Your Certification Up to Date

Renewal Process

Renewing your CPR certification is essential, and luckily, the process is straightforward. Most organizations offer renewal courses, which are often shorter than the initial certification course. These refresher courses are designed to update your skills and knowledge. The renewal course can be taken before or shortly after your certification expires.

Continuous Practice and Learning

Apart from formal renewal courses, one can keep their skills fresh through regular practice and online resources. Many organizations provide online materials, videos, and quizzes. By periodically reviewing these resources, you can keep CPR techniques fresh in your mind, which can be crucial in an emergency.

Online vs In-Person Certification

Flexibility and Convenience of Online Certification

Online CPR certification courses offer flexibility and convenience, especially for people with busy schedules. These courses allow individuals to learn at their own pace and often come with digital materials that can be accessed anytime. If you opt for an online course for initial certification or renewal, ensure that it's from a reputable and recognized provider.

The Benefits of Hands-On Learning in In-Person Certification

While online courses are convenient, in-person training provides the benefit of hands-on learning. This is especially important for learning CPR, as the physical aspect of performing chest compressions, for example, is better understood through practice rather than theory. If you have the opportunity, enrolling in an in-person course can provide valuable hands-on experience under the guidance of a certified instructor.


Keeping your CPR certification current is not only a requirement for many but also a responsibility towards the community. The two-year validity period is there to ensure that individuals are capable and ready to perform CPR with the most up-to-date knowledge and techniques. Whether you renew your certification online or in-person, the most important thing is to take the initiative to refresh your skills regularly. By doing so, you'll be well-prepared to potentially save a life when the need arises. Remember, your ability to perform CPR effectively can make a significant difference in an emergency situation. Make sure to stay ready, stay certified, and stay informed. ## Renewing CPR Certification

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, or CPR, is a lifesaving skill that can mean the difference between life and death in an emergency. Whether you're a healthcare professional, a lifeguard, or simply a good Samaritan, staying up-to-date with your CPR certification is crucial. But what happens when your certification expires? Renewing it is important for maintaining the knowledge and confidence to perform CPR effectively. In this blog, let's explore the process of renewing an expired CPR certification to ensure continued competence.

Understanding the Need for Renewal

CPR techniques and guidelines can change. Organizations like the American Heart Association (AHA) and the Red Cross regularly update their training materials based on new scientific data. This evolution means that the procedures you learned a few years ago might not be the most effective approach today.

Renewing your certification does more than just keep you informed of these changes. It also reassures employers and the public that you're committed to upholding the standards of care and emergency response. Plus, it refreshes your muscle memory and ensures that you're ready to act without hesitation in an emergency.

When to Renew Your Certification

Most CPR certifications are valid for two years. As the expiration date approaches, it's time to start thinking about renewal. Don't wait until the last moment — renewing your certification a month or two before it expires is a smart move. This way, there's no gap during which you are uncertified, just in case of an emergency.

Some organizations require proof of continuous certification. If you allow your certification to lapse, it might affect your job status or your ability to perform certain roles. Plan ahead and avoid these potential complications.

Steps to Renew Your CPR Certification

Find an Appropriate Renewal Course

You can renew your CPR certification through in-person classes, online courses, or a combination of both. Check with the organization that initially certified you. They often offer renewal courses or can recommend accredited providers. Make sure the course you choose is recognized by your employer and complies with industry standards.

Prepare for the Renewal Course

Even if you've gone through CPR training before, it's helpful to brush up on the material. Participant manuals and online resources are available to review current techniques and guidelines. Preparing beforehand will make the renewal process smoother and may increase your confidence during the practical assessment.

Attend the Renewal Course and Pass the Assessment

Renewal courses typically include a practical assessment that tests your ability to perform CPR correctly. This may include demonstrating chest compressions, rescue breathing, and using an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). Classroom courses might incorporate a written test as well.

Passing the assessments is required to earn your renewed certification. Pay careful attention during the course and ask questions if you're uncertain about any procedures.

Online vs. In-Person Renewal

Choosing between online and in-person renewal can depend on several factors like cost, convenience, and personal learning style.

Online Courses

Online renewal courses offer flexibility. You can usually work at your own pace and complete the course around your schedule. However, verify that the online program includes a component where you can demonstrate your proficiency in CPR. Otherwise, your certification might not meet your employer's requirements or be insufficient in a real-world scenario.

In-Person Training

In-person courses give you the opportunity to practice under the supervision of an instructor. This setting can be advantageous for receiving immediate feedback and clarification. If you learn better through hands-on experience and face-to-face interaction, an in-person course might be the best choice for you.

Maintaining Your Skills

Renewing your certification is about more than just ticking a box. It's an ongoing commitment to maintaining your skills. Regularly practicing CPR techniques, either through drills or refresher courses, keeps your skills sharp. Consider volunteering as a way to practice your skills in a less pressured environment — it could also be a rewarding experience.

Staying connected with professional communities and resources allows you to stay informed about the latest CPR advancements and training opportunities. Regularly review the latest CPR guidelines and, if possible, attend workshops or additional training sessions.

Renewing your CPR certification ensures that you're equipped to provide lifesaving aid when it's needed most. By staying certified, you show your dedication to safety, readiness, and the wellbeing of those around you. So, don't let your CPR certification slip away. Renew it timely and continue the vital role you play in saving lives. ## Benefits of Recertification

Keeping Skills Sharp and Up-to-date

One of the most significant benefits of CPR recertification is keeping your life-saving skills sharp. Just like any other skill, if you don't use it, you lose it. Recertification courses provide an excellent opportunity to brush up on the knowledge and hands-on techniques that are crucial in an emergency.

It's vital to remember the correct hand placement for compressions, the pace to maintain, and the ratio of breaths to compressions. By regularly attending recertification, you ensure these skills remain second nature. It's not uncommon for guidelines to change based on new medical research and insights. CPR recertification keeps you up-to-date with the latest best practices and techniques endorsed by health organizations.

Building Confidence in Emergency Situations

Standing in the face of an emergency can be overwhelming. But having confidence in your CPR abilities can make a world of difference, not only for you but for the person in need. Recertification allows you to practice in a simulated environment, which prepares you mentally and emotionally for real-life scenarios.

Moreover, confidence can be contagious. In a situation where others might panic, your calm and assured actions can help to stabilize the scene until professional medical help arrives. Confidently administering CPR increases the chance of a positive outcome for the victim.

Legal Compliance and Professional Requirements

For many professionals, CPR certification—and by extension, recertification—isn't optional; it's a job requirement. Jobs in healthcare, education, emergency services, and even many corporate environments may require employees to have valid CPR certification.

Staying on top of your recertification ensures that you're always in compliance with job requirements and are not at risk of losing your ability to work because of an outdated certification. In some cases, having an up-to-date certification can also limit liability, providing legal protection if you ever need to use your skills.

Personal Growth and Lifelong Learning

CPR recertification contributes to your personal growth by instilling a mindset of lifelong learning. It's a testament to your commitment to always be prepared and willing to help others in critical situations. This ongoing learning process can also inspire others to become certified and potentially save lives.

This sense of personal achievement isn't limited to just knowing you can do good; it's about actively preparing to make a direct impact on someone's life. It positions you as a more responsible and valuable member of your community or workplace.

Sharpening Communication and Teamwork Skills

During a CPR emergency, clear communication and effective teamwork can significantly improve the success rate of resuscitation. Recertification courses often include scenarios that simulate real-life situations where you'll need to work with others to stabilize a patient.

These teamwork exercises can enhance how you communicate under pressure, coordinate with people of various skill sets, and delegate tasks efficiently. The dynamic nature of these exercises helps to ensure you're ready not just to perform CPR but also to work effectively within a team, which is indispensable during emergencies.

Saving Lives

Perhaps the most direct and important benefit of CPR recertification is the potential to save lives. A swift and competent response to cardiac arrest can double or triple a person's chance of survival. Recertification reinforces that you are that person who can jump into action when seconds count.

Understanding the significance of your role in someone's survival can be humbling and gratifying. The knowledge that you have the power to keep someone's heart beating until medical professionals arrive is the ultimate reason for staying recertified.

Marketability and Career Advancements

If you're in a competitive job market, having current CPR certification can make you stand out. It demonstrates a dedication to your field and to maintaining important qualifications. It also adds another layer of value that you bring to an employer, especially in fields where such certifications are highly regarded.

Moreover, some career advancements may be contingent on maintaining valid certifications. In fields like healthcare and wellness, staying up-to-date with certifications like CPR could be the key to unlocking higher positions and opportunities for growth.

Peace of Mind for You and Your Loved Ones

Finally, knowing you're prepared to act in the case of an emergency provides peace of mind not just for you, but also for your loved ones. They can feel reassured that you have the training necessary to protect them and others in dire situations.

CPR recertification is a relatively small time investment that maintains a skill with a significant impact. The confidence it instills can offer comfort and reassurance that, if an emergency occurs, you're as ready as you can be to offer the best chance of a positive outcome.

In conclusion, CPR recertification might seem like just another task on your to-do list, but the benefits it offers are comprehensive and far-reaching. It keeps you trained, compliant, and ready to act. This could mean not just the difference in your life, but in the lives that you might one day save. ## Where to Get CPR Certification


Knowing how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) can be a lifesaving skill. It's the kind of knowledge that turns everyday folks into heroes in emergency situations. But where do you go to learn this precious skill? Whether you're a concerned parent, a curious bystander, or someone who requires it for professional reasons, CPR certification is more accessible than ever before. In this blog post, we'll explore several avenues you can follow to get certified in CPR.

Local Community Centers

Community centers are often the heart of neighborhood activities, and they're a fantastic place to start your CPR certification journey. Many times, these centers offer courses that are open to the public and can cater to a range of different schedules. Courses here are usually led by experienced instructors who provide hands-on training, making it easier for you to grasp the concepts and techniques required.

Hospitals and Healthcare Organizations

Many hospitals and healthcare organizations understand the importance of CPR in saving lives and often conduct certification courses. These sessions offer an opportunity to learn from healthcare professionals working in the field. Also, since hospitals are where these skills are often utilized, this setting can provide unique insights into the real-world application of CPR techniques.

Non-Profit Organizations

Non-profits like the American Red Cross and the American Heart Association are renowned for their comprehensive CPR courses. These organizations run regular training sessions and certification programs that incorporate the latest guidelines and best practices. They are an excellent choice if you're looking for recognized certification that's respected across various fields and professions.

Online Learning Platforms

In our digital age, online courses have become more prevalent and are an excellent option for those with busy schedules. While CPR is a hands-on skill, many platforms offer blended learning – a combination of online theory and in-person practical assessments. With online courses, you can learn at your own pace and then find a convenient location to demonstrate your skills for certification.

College and Universities

For students or individuals located near an educational institution, colleges and universities can be great resources for CPR certification. Many institutions offer these courses as part of their community service initiatives or within their healthcare-related programs. This avenue allows learners to receive instructions from educators who often have a background in medicine or emergency response.

Workplace Training Programs

Some employers understand the value of having a CPR-certified workforce and may offer training sessions as part of their corporate responsibility programs. These are typically conducted during work hours and may be provided at reduced rates or even free of charge. It's worth asking your employer if they have or would consider such a program.

Fire Departments and Public Safety Organizations

Firefighters and public safety officers are trained in emergency response, and their organizations sometimes extend that expertise to the public through CPR certification courses. Attending a course at your local fire department not only gets you certified but also strengthens community ties by integrating everyday citizens into the wider safety network.


There are many paths to becoming CPR certified, providing options to suit various needs and lifestyles. Remember, CPR is a practical skill, so while you may learn theory through any of these avenues, make sure you get the hands-on training that will prepare you for an emergency. What's most important is choosing a certification program that is reputable and recognized. With your certificate in hand, you'll not only have the confidence to act in an emergency but also the potential to save a life. Don't wait – find a CPR certification course near you and take that first step towards becoming someone's hero. ## Conclusion

When we think about saving lives, it’s easy to imagine a superhero swooping in at the last minute to rescue someone in peril. In reality, the true lifesaving heroes are often everyday people who have equipped themselves with essential skills, such as CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation). CPR certification is crucial in preparing these individuals to act quickly and confidently in emergencies. But just like perishable goods, CPR certification doesn't last forever. Validity plays a vital role in ensuring that the knowledge and skills learned are up-to-date and ready to be used when seconds count.

Staying Current with Lifesaving Techniques

The world of medical knowledge is ever-changing, with continuous advancements and updates to techniques based on the latest research. CPR, being a critical skill, is no exception. The importance of CPR certification stems from the need for people to stay informed about the most recent guidelines and best practices that can save lives.

Picture this: a friend, colleague, or even a stranger suddenly collapses in front of you. Your CPR training kicks in, but if it's outdated, you might hesitate, unsure if what you remember is still the correct way to help. CPR certification that is current eliminates this doubt, ensuring that you have the confidence to perform CPR the way it’s meant to be performed today, not the way it was taught five years ago.

Validity: More Than Just a Time Stamp

A CPR card’s expiration date might seem arbitrary, but it serves a serious purpose. Typically, CPR certifications are valid for two years. During that time, it’s expected that the life-saving techniques you’ve learned may begin to fade from memory. Skills can become rusty, and without practice and re-certification, they can dwindle to the point of inefficiency.

The two-year validity period is not only about refreshing your memory; it’s also about making sure you are trained on any new life-saving techniques that have been developed or updated. By requiring re-certification, it ensures that you are always equipped with the freshest practices that can make the difference between life and death.

The Impact of High-Quality CPR

Providing high-quality CPR improves the chances of survival for someone experiencing cardiac arrest. Effective chest compressions circulate blood that contains oxygen to the vital organs, essentially taking over the role of the heart and lungs during cardiac arrest. The small window of time during which CPR can prevent brain death and save a life is narrow, making it all the more important to perform it correctly.

The chances of survival can double, or even triple, when the victim receives immediate CPR from someone who is confident in their ability to provide assistance. This underscores the importance of not only getting certified but also renewing your certification regularly. Every compression counts, and knowing the right technique is critical.

The Ripple Effect of CPR Training

Beyond the direct impact of being able to save a life, maintaining a valid CPR certification creates a ripple effect in communities. It promotes a culture of preparedness and responsibility. It tells the people around you that you’re someone who takes their well-being seriously and that you’re ready to extend a helping hand in times of need. This attitude can inspire others to also get trained, leading to a network of trained individuals who can collectively respond in the event of an emergency.

Imagine if every adult in a neighborhood, school, or workplace were CPR certified and kept their certification up to date. The odds in a crisis would be significantly more favorable. Through maintaining CPR certification validity, we can create a society that is better prepared to face emergencies with competence and composure.

Lifelong Learning for Lifesaving Skills

Being CPR certified is more than having a card in your wallet – it's a commitment to lifelong learning and a dedication to being prepared to save lives. Your certification is proof that you have the knowledge necessary to make a critical difference. Ensuring it remains valid means you continue to hold a powerful tool in the battle against preventable deaths from sudden cardiac events.

In conclusion, CPR certification and its validity are more significant than just a requirement to meet. It embodies our readiness to act in the face of adversity, with the most up-to-date skills at our disposal. By valuing re-certification and recognizing the importance of updated training, you signify your commitment to making a difference when it matters the most. Keep your CPR certification current, and be a beacon of hope, preparedness, and urgent compassion in a world where every second counts.